Miyerkules, Marso 28, 2012

Eduardo L. Joson Memorial College

Eduardo L. Joson Memorial Collge
"My Alma Matter"

          Eduardo L. Joson Memorial College is one of the prestigious colleges in Nueva Ecija which offers a high quality education to the financially less-privileged talented Novo Ecijano youths. It begins on January 4, 2005 by the virtue of Nueva Ecija Provincial Board Resolution No. 34-5-2005  is located at Brgy. Singalat, Palayan City. It is governed by the province of Nueva Ecija.

          In the past few years after ELJMC has been established, many of its graduates had already became a certified board passer which leads ELJMC to become one of the best known College in the province itself. And now, one of the College which had an increased enrollees yearly. 

Courses Offered:

  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
  • Bachelor of Elementary Education
  • Bachelor of Secondary Education 


ELJMC as a premier educational institution which shall promote the ideals and perspectives of Great Patriarch Eduardo L. Joson in order to provide equal access to quality education, develop a sense of justice and responsibility, and create empowerment and global competitiveness among our people through innovative ides, jobs and self-employment.


The ELJMC shall endeavor to engage in relevant researches and enrich knowledge in various disciplines, and subsequently, generate innovation and promote technologies, all geared towards EXCELLENCE, LEADERSHIP and JUSTICE.


  1. Establish and maintain a dynamic research program manned by qualified and competent personnel with periodic publication of its studies in its scholarly journal;
  2. Develop the culture of life long learning, an enterprising and a caring culture as a major component to education.
  3. Institutionalize an out reach program through its community extension services manned by experienced and service-oriented personnel;
  4. Continuously disseminate new knowledge and information, effective delivery system and state-of-the-art instructional tools;
  5. Promote a sense of heightened awareness and active participation in addressing issues and problems in various realms of life-political, economic social, cultural, ecological and spiritual;
  6. Motivate students towards greater achievements and produce graduates with excellent performance in related professional licensure  examinations and/or their chosen fields of endeavor.


              The ELJMC aims to prioritize the concern of the students, develop with good moral and expand their knowledge in all aspect of life with regards to their education. The ELJMC established to provide education that will respond to the dynamic needs of its community by developing students who can adapt themselves to the challenge of the society, individuals who can be productive and useful citizen of the country. It also develop awareness in technology (computer literate), arts, science, communication, problem solving and computation skills and to inculcate respect for country and fellowmen as well as promote faith and love for God.

              The school offers auxiliary services to complement its student welfare program. This aims to meet the needs of the students while on campus. the school has a medical and dental clinic that provides immediate medical attention to students who require such services. The clinic is open daily. The security guards are employed to ensure the safety of the students during at the campus. The school encourages the formation of students organizations, club and other activities that will help discover and develop student's talent and maximize their potential in creativity. These activities are also channels for training in responsible leadership. 
              And now, as a second year student of ELJMC I am proud because I am one of the lucky student who given a chance to study for free. And i know that ELJMC is the bridge of my success. :))

    TOEPHEE # 28.03.12 :))

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